Jumjunidang dan Riska
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika
Jln.Raya Solok - Aripan Km. 8 Solok Sumatera Barat (27301)
Penyakit layu yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) merupakan salah satu penyakit berbahaya pada tanaman pisang. Penggunaan varietas tahan diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif pemecahan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pisang varietas Ketan 01 dan Barangan yang ditanam di lahan endemis Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense VCG 01213/16 (TR4). Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium penyakit dan Kebun Percobaan Aripan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika (Balitbutro) Solok, dari bulan Maret 2008 sampai bulan September 2009. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 2 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, masing-masing ulangan terdiri atas 10 tanaman. Perlakuan adalah 2 varietas pisang: A) Ketan 01 dan B) Barangan. Blok perlakuan merupakan lahan yang terinfestasi berat oleh Foc VCG 01213/16 (TR4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pisang varietas Ketan 01 tahan terhadap Foc VCG 01213/16 (TR4). Terlihat bahwa sampai 18 bulan setelah tanam, pisang varietas Ketan 01 persentase serangan Foc VCG 01213/16 (TR4) adalah 0%, sementara pada varietas Barangan persentase serangan Foc mencapai 100%. Pada pisang varietas Barangan penyakit mulai menyerang umur 5 bulan setelah tanam dan meningkat tajam sampai tanaman berumur 10 bulan. Rerataan propagul Fo pada rizosfir pisang varietas Ketan 01 dan Barangan menunjukkan peningkatan dari saat sebelum tanam, 12 dan 18 bulan setelah tanam, namun tidak berbeda nyata antar varietas pisang. Kata kunci: Varietas; Pisang; F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense; Ketahanan; Lahan endemis
ABSTRACT. Jumjunidang and Riska. 2010. Response of Resistance of banana Ketan 01 and Barangan varieties in Fu sariu m ox ysporu m f.sp. cu ben se VCG 01213/16 (TR4) endemic land. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) is one of destructives diseases of banana. Alternative technigue to control of disease is planting banana in Foc endemic land is by using resistant variety. The objective of this study is to know response of Ketan 01 and Barangan variety were planted in Foc endemic area. This Research was conducted at Plant Protection Laboratorium and Field experiment Aripan Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute (ITFRI) in March 2008 to September 2009. The design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with second treatments and fifth replications. Treatments consist of 2 banana varieties are A) Ketan 01, B) Barangan. The result showed that Ketan 01 including resistant variety to Foc VCG 01213/16 (TR4) which looks after 18 months is not attacked by the disease, while 100% Barangan attacked by Foc with disease progression begins 5 months after planting. Fo propagules in rizosphere Ketan 01 and Barangan variety increased since before planting, 12 and 18 month after planting but this is not significantly different between banana variety.
Keywords: Variety; Banana; F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense; Resistance; Endemic land
ABSTRACT. Jumjunidang and Riska. 2010. Response of Resistance of banana Ketan 01 and Barangan varieties in Fu sariu m ox ysporu m f.sp. cu ben se VCG 01213/16 (TR4) endemic land. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) is one of destructives diseases of banana. Alternative technigue to control of disease is planting banana in Foc endemic land is by using resistant variety. The objective of this study is to know response of Ketan 01 and Barangan variety were planted in Foc endemic area. This Research was conducted at Plant Protection Laboratorium and Field experiment Aripan Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute (ITFRI) in March 2008 to September 2009. The design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with second treatments and fifth replications. Treatments consist of 2 banana varieties are A) Ketan 01, B) Barangan. The result showed that Ketan 01 including resistant variety to Foc VCG 01213/16 (TR4) which looks after 18 months is not attacked by the disease, while 100% Barangan attacked by Foc with disease progression begins 5 months after planting. Fo propagules in rizosphere Ketan 01 and Barangan variety increased since before planting, 12 and 18 month after planting but this is not significantly different between banana variety.
Keywords: Variety; Banana; F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense; Resistance; Endemic land
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